
“I want to live a happy and healthy life. So I have to protect myself against nasty insects and unpleasant microbes. How do I do that as a plant? I produce slightly bitter substances. Humans call them tannins. Interestingly, what helps me also benefits them.”
Truly trusted
In the Middle Ages, medicine and magic were often the same. So Speedwell (Veronica officinalis) was trusted for its power to protect travelers and ward off evil spirits. The Celtic world loved speedwell and the herb was even sewn into clothes in order to make it safely through life.
You might know speedwell as Veronica. Its Latin name comes from the phrase “vera unica medica,” which means “the true, only remedy.” Some people believe that the herb’s Latin name is derived from Saint Veronica. This Christian saint is said to have wiped the face of Jesus with a cloth that later bore his image. Therefore, the herb was believed to have special healing powers.
Facts and Figures
- 450
- There are more than 450 species of speedwell.
- Speedwell contains tannins, bitters and resins.
- 3
- After planting, the speedwell needs care. The soil must be loosened up to 3 times.
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